Oliver and Bentley, our resident rabbits, visited the 8-2 students today while they worked through an assignment about selecting the right equipment to meet animal needs, including bedding, feeders and waterers.
about 2 years ago, Malinda Hurt
Schedule of Events for 12/2-12/10 Friday, 12/2: HS BKB @ Ottawa Marquette, 5:30 Saturday, 12/3: 6th BKB @ Steward Tournament, 11:00 7/8 BKB @ Route 72 Tournament in Pecatonica, TBA HS GBKB @ Amboy Shootout vs. Somonauk, 11:00 HS WR @ Seneca Tournament, 9:00 Monday, 12/5: 7/8 AB at Stillman Valley, 3:45 Tuesday, 12/6: HS GBKB vs. Eastland, 7:00 Wednesday, 12/7: HS BKB vs. Annawan, 6:00 Thursday, 12/8: HS GBKB @ Milledgeville, 6:00 HS WR vs. Morrison & Le-Win in Amboy, 5:30 Friday, 12/9: HS BKB @ West Carroll (Mt. Carroll), 6:00 HS WR @ Plano Tournament 5:30 Saturday, 12/10: 7/8 AB @ Route 72 Conference Tournament, TBA HS GBKB @ Pearl City Tournament vs. Pearl City, 12:30 & vs. Morrison, 3:30 JV BKB @ Freeport Aquin Tournament vs. Le-Win, 3:00 & either 6:00 or 7:30 #AFCathleticsandactivities
about 2 years ago, AFC Athletics/Activities
Here is the information to watch our High School Academic Bowl team compete in the Stateline Quiz Bowl. The youTube links are for the promotion ads our students did for TV! Watch to see if our team advances to the next round! This weekend, we’re airing at the following times: WTVO (ABC 17) – Sunday at 1030p WQRF (Fox 39) – Sunday at 930p My Net (17-2) – Sunday at 830a It will also be uploaded to YouTube at a later time. Here are the links to the promos your team shot. AFC 01 – https://youtu.be/_qbMuDhWIgA AFC 02 – https://youtu.be/VzDrxqBvZqg #AFCathleticsandactivities
about 2 years ago, AFC Athletics/Activities
Due to transportation issues, the 6th grade boys basketball game at Nash (Oregon) tomorrow will begin at 4:45 rather than 4:00. The bus will leave the ES at 4:10. #AFCathleticsandactivities
about 2 years ago, AFC Athletics/Activities
The 8-2 class worked on making knots today, including the square knot, farmer’s knot, and manger hitch knot. This was part of the Animals We Care For unit, where students are learning about how plants and animals depend on each other, how animals have helped advance human civilization, how humans selectively breed animals for particular purposes, how proper handling keeps both animals and humans safe, and how humans are responsible for caring for animals and meeting their needs.
about 2 years ago, Malinda Hurt
AFC Student Council is hosting the "Giving Trees". Donations will be accepted December 1-15th.
about 2 years ago, Malinda Hurt
Congratulations to the AFC Raiders on winning our Thanksgiving Tournament! Way to go boys! #AFCathleticsandactivities
about 2 years ago, AFC Athletics/Activities
Raiders W
Anyone interested in running the clock in the junior high gym for the varsity boy’s basketball tournament Friday and/or Saturday evening (5:30-9:00) please contact Mrs. Gittleson at tgittleson@afcschools.net. Thank you! #AFCathleticsandactivities
about 2 years ago, AFC Athletics/Activities
JV Raiders play Riverdale in the Polo Tournament tomorrow, 11/23, at 5:15. Everyone have a wonderful Thanksgiving! #AFCathleticsandactivities
about 2 years ago, AFC Athletics/Activities
The JV Raiders play at 6:30 this evening against Durand in the Polo Tournament. #AFCathleticsandactivities
about 2 years ago, AFC Athletics/Activities
Today, the Junior High and High School PE students gathered together for some fun games on this last day of school before Thanksgiving.
about 2 years ago, Malinda Hurt
Just a reminder for everyone that Tuesday, November 22nd (Tomorrow) is a regular dismissal day. 3:03 dismissal at AFC Elementary School and 3:16 dismissal at the Junior-Senior High School.
about 2 years ago, AFC School District #275
The 8-2 Agriculture class finished the work on the pollinator garden that the 8-1 class started by broadcasting seeds on the steep sides of the garden where plugs couldn't be planted.
about 2 years ago, Malinda Hurt
Football 2022 Award Winners: Logan Mershon - Honorable Mention All Division RB Jordan Harris - Defensive Player, 2nd Team All Division ILB, 2nd Team K Zane Murphy - 2nd Team All Division WR, 2nd Team DB Lane Koning - 1st Team All Division WR, Honorable Mention DB Danny Bevan - Most Improved Auden Polk - 2nd Team All Division RB, Calvin Messer Sportsmanship Kaleb Goldman - Lineman Award Carson Rueff - Offensive Player, 1st Team All Division QB, All State #AFCathleticsandactivities
about 2 years ago, AFC Athletics/Activities
FB Awards
Football Cheer 2022 Award Winners: Jillian McLaughlin - Leadership, Grace Cochrane - Spirit, Madison Holbrook - Most Improved, Kendra Stewart - Teamwork #AFCathleticsandactivities
about 2 years ago, AFC Athletics/Activities
FB Cheer Awards
High School Volleyball Award Winners for the 2022 Season: Varsity: Nadezda Cater - Hustle, Cailin Bogle - Hustle, Rhylee McCaslin - Most Improved, Brianna Gonnerman - MVP, Taylor Jahn - Leadership and Honorable Mention All-Conference JV: Lily Searing - Most Improved, Audree Dorn - MVP & Leadership, Reese Polk - Hustle Fr/So: Claire Freeman - MVP, Natalee Schafer - Leadership, Nadia Near - Most Improved, Reese Polk - Hustle #AFCathleticsandactivities
about 2 years ago, AFC Athletics/Activities
 Varsity VB Awards
JV VB Awards
Fr/So VB Awards
The varsity boys basketball Thanksgiving Tournament begins this evening! Here is the schedule for the week! #AFCathleticsandactivities
about 2 years ago, AFC Athletics/Activities
Tournament Schedule
It was a cold one, but well worth seeing Carson Rueff being recognized as a member of the 2022 I8FA All-State Team. Congratulations to Carson and all the AFC Raiders on a great season! #AFCathleticsandactivities
about 2 years ago, AFC Athletics/Activities
All State
All State
All State
All State
A few members of the high school academic team traveled to Rockford to compete in the Stateline Quiz Bowl against Sterling Newman this Saturday. This was the first time that AFC participated in this televised tournament and their match will be aired on WTVO and FOX 39 on Sunday, December 4th. Please tune in to watch the match and see how it turned out! Team members involved were: Lauren S, Ethan V, Ayden W, and Zayne B. Loki G and Colin S joined as alternates. Thank you to Mr. Waters, academic bowl team advisor.
about 2 years ago, Malinda Hurt
Mr. Smith's Drivers Education class had a presentation about "Sharing the Roadway" by Blake O'Dell of Midwest Safe Driving School. They also spoke with Nate McBride who is the Road Commissioner for Ashton Township. Their presentation was focused on identifying risks associated with sharing the road with large vehicles. Thank you to Mr. Smith, Mr. O'Dell, and Mr. McBride for bringing these important lessons to our students.
about 2 years ago, Malinda Hurt