We’re thrilled to announce Ashton-Franklin Center School District #275’s new app! Access sports scores, cafeteria menus, news updates, even emergency notifications! Download the app on Android: https://bit.ly/35zAeub or iPhone: https://apple.co/3ovtnKX.
about 4 years ago, Michael Lindy
The Elementary School students and staff were not able to host our annual Veterans Day Assembly this year as we have in the past, so instead we put together a video of our students honoring our Veterans. We hope you enjoy our video and thank you to all of our Veterans for your service to our Country! https://youtu.be/cJf5DdjMfB4
over 4 years ago, AFC School District #275
Mrs. McCannon has a story to share with everyone! https://fb.watch/1Q4gN0AR61/
over 4 years ago, AFC School District #275
Parents, we are looking for your feedback! Please complete the survey found at the link below. This link was also shared in an email that went out this afternoon to families from AFC Superintendent Mr. Mike Lindy. https://forms.gle/Wjv5BacK1FpK1zGJ6
over 4 years ago, AFC School District #275
Please enjoy our weekly newsletter! Happy Friday! https://www.smore.com/cz8d4
over 4 years ago, AFC School District #275