7th and 8th grade boys and high school girls and boys basketball schedules are now on the athletics' website. That website can be accessed from www.afcschools.net. No spectators will be allowed at any game due to the pandemic and current IDPH guidelines regarding spectators and the distance from the playing court. Games will be live-streamed. Information on how to access the live-stream will be provided soon.
over 3 years ago, AFC Athletics/Activities
over 3 years ago, AFC Elementary School
over 3 years ago, AFC Elementary School
Registration is now open for high school girls and boys basketball and 7th and 8th grade boys basketball. Parents need to register their student athletes on the athletic website which can be found on the AFC website. There is a tab at the top of the athletic website for registration. An account may have to be set up if you don't already have one. All paper work except the physical is "signed" on the registration site. Physicals need to be turned into Mrs. Gittleson ASAP! If you have any questions, please contact Mrs. Gittleson at tgittleson@afcschools.net. #AFCathleticsandactivities
over 3 years ago, AFC Athletics/Activities
Please enjoy AFC Jr/Sr High School's weekly newsletter! https://www.smore.com/h31ct Have a great weekend!
over 3 years ago, Kim Torman
There will be a 7th and 8th grade boys basketball open gym tomorrow, Friday, January 29 in the Junior High School Gym from 4:00 until 5:30. Masks are required to participate. #AFC Athletics and Activities
over 3 years ago, AFC Athletics/Activities
Attention High School Girls and Boys Basketball Players! Official practices begin tomorrow, Thursday, January 28. Girls will practice 2:00-4:00 and boys will practice 5:30-7:30. These are practices and not just workouts! It is strongly recommended to make it if at all possible! Coaches will let you know the future practice schedule. If you do not have an updated physical on file, please get that scheduled ASAP.
over 3 years ago, AFC Athletics/Activities
Dear Parents, AFC Schools will be closed Tuesday, January 26th due to inclement weather and poor driving conditions. All after-school activities are cancelled and there will be no synchronous learning. Please stay safe! Michael Lindy, Superintendent AFC #275 Schools 815-453-7463 mlindy@afcschools.net
over 3 years ago, AFC School District #275
It's Christmas in January! Here are the K-4 elementary students performing songs they have been working on for many weeks! Enjoy! https://youtu.be/StFKv0te16M (K-1 video) https://youtu.be/tXlRMEaR8Zg (2-4 video)
over 3 years ago, AFC Elementary School
Tonight's Board of Education meeting has been moved to a virtual meeting.  Below is the Zoom Meeting link you can use if you are interested in attending. Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81199787130?pwd=dG92UjBjaUtHOGRtSk93cDVCU3dpZz09 Meeting ID: 811 9978 7130 Passcode: 1UpEL6 Michael Lindy, Superintendent  AFC CUSD #275 815-453-7461 mlindy@afcschools.net
over 3 years ago, AFC School District #275
Good Morning! With some wintery weather predicted for later tonight and into tomorrow, I wanted to take a minute and share the process and rationale that we will follow for potential school cancellations. I apologize for not doing this earlier in the year, I think the mild weather lulled me into a false sense of security. Generally speaking, I do not cancel school based on a forecast for snow and ice. As you may have experienced, weather forecasts can significantly vary in accuracy. I monitor weather forecasts and reports as well as actual conditions. Driving conditions are very important given our rural setting. My thoughts are focused on staff and students that travel country roads that are subject to drifting and ice. Mr. Harvey and I will communicate repeatedly during weather events. My goal is to make notification, if a decision is to close is made, as soon as practicable and may come as late as 10pm the night before a closure or by 6:00am the day of a closing. Temperature-related closings are a bit different. I will defer use the NOAA/National Weather Service Wind Chill Chart (found here: https://www.weather.gov/safety/cold-wind-chill-chart) to make those determinations. As a rule of thumb (but not an absolute) when wind chills get to the point where frostbite can occur in less than 30 minutes, that is when consideration for closure begins. In the event that school is cancelled, all extracurricular activities will also be canceled for the day in keeping with past practice. If school is cancelled, we will not move to an "e-learning" day. There are several reasons for this approach. First, our lower grades are not yet equipped for e-learning. The grades that are equipped for e-learning face uncertainty on these emergency days that may find older students caring for younger siblings and unable to join synchronous lessons. It is my absolute belief that in-person learning provided by AFC staff is the best instructional modality for AFC students. Remote learning was necessitated by the COVID-19 pandemic and allowed us to provide instruction where we otherwise could not. Building the capacity to live stream instruction will provide benefits in the long term, but it is still not the same as students in the classroom with great teachers. The safety of our students and staff are my first priority. I will never regret erring on the side of caution and cancelling school on a borderline day if that means everyone is safe. As always, please feel free to contact me with any questions. Best Regards, Michael Lindy, Superintendent AFC CUSD #275 815-453-7461 mlindy@afcschools.net
over 3 years ago, AFC School District #275
Sports seasons are in the works of being planned! IHSA is meeting on Wednesday, January 27 to plan dates for each season. Athletes need to have a current physical on file with Mrs. Gittleson to be able to participate in any sport. Freshmen school physicals also count as a sports physical. Please contact Mrs. Gittleson at tgittleson@afcschools.net if you have any questions.
over 3 years ago, AFC Athletics/Activities
The American Red Cross has cancelled the blood drive that was planned to take place at AFC Jr/Sr High School today. We apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused!
over 3 years ago, Kim Torman
Please enjoy AFC Jr/Sr High School's weekly newsletter! https://www.smore.com/thjys
over 3 years ago, Kim Torman
A Title Services Stakeholder meeting will be held on Monday, January 25th at 3:00 via Zoom. Please see attached agenda for meeting link. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nAp5xKetLwwEhuvomYwkFVPwNTvq8_4BeFTUfWg2f6A/edit?usp=sharing
over 3 years ago, AFC Elementary School
We are loving our new app! Access sports scores, cafeteria menus, news updates, and even emergency notifications. Download the app on Android: https://bit.ly/35zAeub or iPhone: https://apple.co/3ovtnKX.
over 3 years ago, Michael Lindy
Please set up your appointment to donate today!
over 3 years ago, Kim Torman
Blood Drive Flyer
The Regional Office of Education #47 is hosting an Informational Panel for Parents of School Age Children. See below for more details! Please join us for this panel presentation to be held via ZOOM: Tuesday 1/19/21, from 3 PM to 4 PM. This panel of providers is coming to you to discuss services provided and supports for you and your family during the Remote Learning process and after. We ask your participation and input at the end of the session so that we better support you and your family during the education process of your children. Click on the link below to enter the discussion via ZOOM: https://illinois.zoom.us/j/85185643085?pwd=OFhZSURsb0lsWjNIWXhTVFB6dFdoZz09 Meeting ID: 851 8564 3085 Password: 576475 • Panelists will provide information about their agencies and options for further consult. • A brief Q & A will follow. • Hosts will offer a three-question poll for immediate feedback and will guide further presentations tailored to respond to your input.
over 3 years ago, Kim Torman
Please enjoy AFC Jr/Sr High School's weekly newsletter! https://www.smore.com/97zdn
over 3 years ago, Kim Torman
AFC FFA Update: The piglets are a week old! Everyone is healthy and thriving. Check them out on the live pigcam! https://meet.google.com/qjk-btid-hdg #AFCFFA
over 3 years ago, AFC FFA
Quiet time(photo credit Denzell Schwarz)