Bus Rider Rules
Bus transportation is provided by the district with local drivers. A majority of students are transported by bus.
Students assigned to a school bus are to ride that bus and get on and off at their home. Exceptions as follows are allowed:
A student may get off at a different stop along the same route if there is a note from the parent;
A student from one bus route may ride a different route in an emergency situation;
A non-bus student may ride a bus route in an emergency situation. Sleepovers, parties, and the like are not emergencies.
NOTE: In the exceptions listed above, the parent must have permission from the superintendent or principal before the student can ride. A note must be sent for the bus driver from the parents of the student getting off at the different stop AND from the parents where the student will be getting off.
See the Student Handbook for additional bus rules.

Transportation and Extra Curricular Activities
The following rules and regulations apply to any trip under school sponsorship:
Students riding the bus are to follow the rules of the chaperon regarding behavior while on the bus;
The driver is to have COMPLETE authority involving the driving of the bus and the number of students riding the bus, unless otherwise directed by the administration;
No student is allowed on the bus unless he/she is on the list;
Only students of the Ashton-Franklin Center School District may ride the bus. Guests, friends and visiting relatives of students are not allowed;
In order to participate in a school-sponsored event, students must ride the bus to the event and return on the bus. If permitted by the coach/advisor, a student may return with his/her parents. The parents providing the ride must make personal contact with the supervisor(s);
Buses are for transportation to and from events or contests. There is to be no stopping to eat, etc. on the school trips without approval from the administration;
All school bus rules apply to any extracurricular trip as well.